KWCB Director

Volunteers Jim Cook, Steve Sanabria, Ann Reams, Christina Sanabria, Steve Cushman, Lesley Cushman, Fabiana Mercure, Andrew Mercure, Debbie Singletary, and Rachell Mathis.

On Saturday, June 15, Keep Wakulla County Beautiful (KWCB) spearheaded a significant environmental initiative at Mashes Sands, where members and volunteers planted 300 Sea Oats along the dunes. This project targeted areas where the Sea Oat population was either scarce or non-existent, aiming to bolster dune stabilization and combat coastal erosion.
The planting was made possible through a generous grant from the Surfing’s Evolution & Preservation Foundation. Funding for such coastal projects largely comes from the sales of the “Endless Summer” license plates, which support environmental preservation efforts across the state.
In addition to the planting, KWCB installed informational signs to educate the public about the importance of Sea Oats in preventing coastal erosion and maintaining healthy dune systems. The signs also included reminders for visitors to stay off the dunes to protect the newly planted areas and allow them to thrive.
“We are thrilled with the turnout and the dedication of our volunteers,” said KWCB Executive Director Tammie Nason. “This project is a testament to what community efforts can achieve, and we hope to carry out more plantings in the future as we identify other vulnerable areas.”
The newly planted Sea Oats are expected to play a crucial role in stabilizing the dunes, reducing the impact of storms, and preserving the natural beauty of Mashes Sands. KWCB’s ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship promises further initiatives to protect and enhance Florida’s precious coastal ecosystems.

Tammie Nason is exectutive director of Keep Wakulla County Beautiful.

The informational sign posted to protect the newly planted sea oats in the dunes.
Rachell Mathis and Lesley Cushman.