This is a compilation of years of writing works by Gregg Stanton ranging from 2010-2022. Many of these columns were published in The Wakulla News and then in The Wakulla Sun when the staff decided it was time to leave due to the incoming corporation. There were weeks that Gregg did not write the column and there will be a designation of the author in that case before the column.

I hope you enjoy my fathers adventures as much as I did,

Eric Stanton

Memoriums of Gregg Stanton

By Gregg Stanton and contributors

  • 2010 The first year of Gregg’s columns published in November – December.
  • 2011 First full year of Underwater Wakulla with contributors Joerg Hess, Nicole Stanton, John Spicer, Travis Kersting and Kurt Mondlak.
  • 2012 Underwater Wakulla with contributors Joerg Hess, Nicole Stanton, Travis Kersting and Heather Kunigelis.
  • 2013 Underwater Wakulla with contributors Joerg Hess, Travis Kersting, Nicole Stanton and Gabrielle Carter.
  • 2014 Underwater Wakulla with contributors Joerg Hess, Travis Kersting and Jessica Cook Hale.
  • 2015 Underwater Wakulla with contributor Travis Kersting.