Pictured are MSGT Tony Lane (Naval Science Instructor), C/LCDR Heath McBrayer, C/ENS Joshua Bennight, C/ENS Kaylena Pontones, IT1(SW/AW) Chuck Meyerriecks (Naval Science Instructor)

On June 9th through 14th, the Area 10 Navy JROTC Leadership Academy was held at Riverside Preparatory Academy in Gainesville, Ga.

Leadership Academy consists of the top 5 percent of cadets in their respected area in which the cadets go through rigorous training and academics to earn the silver leadership cord. This year, Leadership Academy was comprised of three different areas, Area 8 (Tennessee schools), Area 9 (Atlanta) and Area 10 (Lower Georgia and Florida panhandle schools to include Jacksonville). Wakulla High School had three cadets graduate from Leadership Academy this year.