The Old Pro

Hope you all are doing well. Boy, time just seems to be on wings.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Federal fishery has opened recreational Red Snapper season, weekends only, Sept. 1 and runs until Nov. 30.
They also opened Snook season starting Sept. 1 and closes Nov. 30.

See FWC for size and limits.
Speaking of flying, Teal and Wood Duck season starts Sept. 21 through Sept. 25. Only two of the six ducks can be Wood Ducks.
Teal only season is Sept. 26 through Dec. 1.
Regular duck season starts Nov. 23 through Dec.1. It reopens Dec. 7 and closes Jan. 26.
Canada Goose Sept. 7 to 29. Then Dec. 1 to Jan. 30.
There have been changes in small game hunting. Grey Squirrels can be hunted year round now with a daily limit of 15.
Quail, Bobcat and Otter can be now taken with just about anything that shots a projectile. I mean anything except a RPG! Look it up on
Happy Hunting an Fishing.

Al Hartman can be contacted at