Year: 2024 (Page 2 of 2)

Be kind to your skin


Extension Director

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Many people overlook this fact since the skin is on the outside, but this organ helps protect all the others.
Also, the health of our skin, as well as our hair and nails, can give us a window into our overall well-being. With daily stressors such as pollution and sunlight, it is important to give these parts of our body some extra TLC.

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Real life marriages



Marriage today is based on the concept of viability. Viability depends on how viable the persons are and how constructive their efforts are.
There are six common phases a marriage and they don’t differ greatly from those of a previous generation. They are honeymoon, disillusionment, disappointment, decision, productive and later years.

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Fiddling around in the marsh


When I moved to Wakulla County from Central Florida 34 years ago, it felt like I had landed in paradise. The abundant woodlands, wild coastline, freshwater springs and small-town atmosphere had me hooked for life. And even though our county has grown significantly in population and infrastructure since then, I still believe we live in paradise.
If you ever have doubts about it, take a drive down Skipper Bay Road through the Refuge. When you clear the treeline, stop your vehicle, get out, and take a few minutes to soak in the view.

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Andrew P. Tully and his descendants

By Elizabeth Smith. Originally published in the November 1963 issue of the Magnolia Monthly.

Andrew P. Tully’s gravestone in Crawfordville Cemetery, from Find A Grave website.

Andrew Patterson Tully came to Wakulla County from the Carolinas in the early 1840’s, and originally from Ireland. He served as justice of the peace in Crawfordville in 1845. He is the forebearer of all the Tullys in Wakulla County and at one time owned all the land from Tully’s Garage in Crawfordville to a mile north at the upper end of the subdivision known as Hudson Heights. It included several hundred acres, and the original home is believed to be the one in which Jewell Hudson, county attorney, now lives though it has been moved from its previous location.

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Replacing your Medicare card


If your red, white, and blue Original Medicare card is lost or stolen, or you can no longer use it because it is too faded or damaged, you can replace it by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227). You can also order or print a replacement card by logging into your account.
If you get Medicare health or drug benefits from a Medicare Advantage Plan, such as an HMO, PPO, or PDP, call your plan to get your card replaced.

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