I stumbled upon an interesting fact on the BoatUS Foundation page the other day.
Did you know that boats manufactured after 1972 have a Hull Identification Number (HIN) that provides a lot of valuable information about the vessel?
These 12 or 17 numbers are the serial number of the vessel. The HIM can typically be found on the stern transom in the upper right corner. This number contains information on the manufacturer, the production or serial number, the month and year of production and the model year of the vessel.
The first three letters are the Manufacturer’s ID Code. This is followed by the production or serial number. This may vary in length. The last four letters and numbers indicate the month and year or production. Months are recorded as a letter A=January, B=February…the last two digits are the model year.
This HIN is used to register your boat and can be helpful in recovery if your boat is ever stolen. In our area, where storms can hit, a HIN can also help locate an owner if a boat is recovered.
As Sherrie says, safe boating is no accident!

If you would like to learn more about vessel safety checks, please contact Steve Hults, Staff Officer for Vessel Examinations at steve.hults@uscgaux.net.

Please contact us for more information about our safe boating classes or learning more about getting involved in the Auxiliary, check out our website at www.uscgaux.net follow us on FaceBook @ Apalachee Bay Flotilla 12 or contact our Flotilla Commander Phil Hill at pnkkhill2000@yahoo.com.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed civilian volunteer component of the U.S. Coast Guard and supports the Coast Guard in nearly all mission areas. The Auxiliary was created by Congress in 1939. For more information, please visit www.cgaux.org.