Category: Community (Page 20 of 23)

Community news from around Wakulla County

WCT presents check to Wakulla High School

Wakulla Community Theater directors Mina Sutton and Nancy Commander presenting a check to WHS Theater teacher Krissy Sanchez.

Special to The Sun

Wakulla Community Theater is fortunate to be able to give back to our community. One way to help in our home town has been to donate money to Wakulla High School’s Theater Troupe #5036. Hopefully this will be a help to our local group.

20 bunk beds built for kids

Rotary and Realtors work with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to provide beds

Some of the Rotarians who participated in the build with John Cousins, with his hand raised, of Sleep in Heavenly Peace.


The Rotary Club of Wakulla and the Wakulla Chapter of the Tallahassee Board of Realtors did a bed build on Saturday morning under the auspices of Sleep in Heavenly Peace and built 20 bunk beds for Wakulla kids who don’t have beds.
(Full disclosure: I am the president of the Rotary Club this year.)

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Sheriff Jared Miller with ‘Team Santa’ Aidye Rigdon, 11; Kinsley Lowery, 8; Caroline Lowery, 4; Payton Rigdon, 7; and Waylon Lowery, 11. (Photos by Lynda Kinsey)

Despite inclement weather, the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office held its annual Christmas in the Park on Friday night, and Santa and Mrs. Claus came in from the North Pole for a special visit.

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