Category: Community (Page 23 of 24)

Community news from around Wakulla County

Palaver Tree presents Harold Pinter’s ‘Caretaker’

The Caretaker, written by Harold Pinter, directed by Gary Brame, performed by Jim McMurtry, Collin Jonhson and Caleb Goodman, will have four shows only at The Palaver Tree Theater. Thursday, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. in a pay-what-you-can performance; on Friday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m., and two performances on Saturday, Dec. 2 with a matinee at 2 p.m. and a final show at 8 p.m. Besides the Thursday show, tickets are $15 at the door or online at (Photo by Gerald Brown)

Camp Gordon Johnston to feature exhibit on Pearl Harbor

Special to The Sun

In honor of the Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Camp Gordon Johnston is presenting an exhibit commemorating this dark day in America’s history.
World War II came home for the United States on December 7, 1941, when the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan attacked the U.S. Western Fleet at the American base Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it “a date which will live in infamy.”

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This is the time of year when water usage determines sewer bills

Special to The Sun

Residential Sewer Billing is based on water usage. Now is the TIME to CONSERVE water and SAVE MONEY on your Sewer Bill over the Next YEAR!
Wakulla County utilizes the winter months average method for sewer billing. With this method, the amount billed for sewer each month is the average of the actual number of gallons used during December, January, and February.
This typically is beneficial for customers who use more water during the summer months than they do during the winter months.
Important notes about your winter months average:

  • Pay attention to when your water meter is read – your December bill will generally have some November usage. Start conserving now!
  • Take time during these months to review actual water usage – if it seems high – LOOK for leaks and repair them immediately!
  • Talquin water customers will see your new sewer winter months average on your April 2024 bill.
  • Sopchoppy and PAWs water customers will see new sewer winter months average on your March 2024 bill.
    Did You Know….
  • A running toilet can add up to 200 gallons of water usage per day.
  • A faucet that leaks one drop per second can waste 17 gallons per day.
  • The base rate for sewer is $39.04. This includes the first 2,000 gallons of water usage. Each additional 1,000 gallons is $5.86. (rate schedule as of 11/8/2023)

Charter Review holds first of two public hearings


Three members of the public were at the Wakulla County Charter Review Commission’s Public Hearing on Tuesday, Nov. 14, to express their support for a proposed amendment to protect native trees in new development.
That amendment is one of five proposals – the others deal with impact fees, panhandling on road rights-of-way, how often the charter should be reviewed, and reducing the density of RV parks.

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SOAR Store opens at Wakulla High School

The Wakulla Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon-cutting for the SOAR Store on the Wakulla High School campus back in October. (Photo by Lynda Kinsey)


In order to combat the growing behavior problems in the school system, Wakulla High Librarian and Teacher Victoria Pope has created the “SOAR” program, which is designed to incentivize positive behavior in students in and out of school.
Pope said she wanted to “Develop something really positive for students,” and that the program is her way of doing that.

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Groundbreaking held

Wakulla County held a groundbreaking on Thursday, Nov. 16 at the sheriff’s office on the new multi-million dollar radio system to aid communication between first responders. Triumph Gulf Coast is giving the county financial support for the system. (Photo by Legion Taylor)
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